If you are uploading your application (myapp) to Tomcat's webapps folder as a war (myapp.war), do two things:
1.  Delete webapps/ROOT ;
2. Rename myapp.war to ROOT.war (case is important), and then upload it to webapps.

On Aug 17, 2008, at 2:36 PM, flytoarun wrote:

Hi All,

I am using tomcat 5 version and my application's default page is www.domain.com \myDir\index.html which works fine when i enter full path however when i enter www.domain.com then the tomcat default server page opens. I want to change this default page by my application index.html (Default page).

Can some one help me.

I have tried few things but didn't work. Like adding entries in server.xml and web.xml

Thanks in advance.

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