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kohanm wrote:
> If I add   cookie="false" in Context, it's geting worse and the session in
> the original browser does not work properly.

It sounds like you have not coded your webapp properly, then. If you
had, disabling cookies would have worked just fine.

> In my program to keep track of data I use a  JavaBean and then pass in
> session like:
> session.setAttribute("appBean" , Mybean);
> The appBean session should be accessible when I copy web application's URL
> and past it to the new browser.
> How can I do that?

Unless you can find a way to transfer a cookie from one browser to
another, you cannot do this.

If you were to use URL rewriting instead, then the session would easily
transfer. As you have not properly formatted all your URLs (see above),
you will have to go back and do this in order to achieve your goal.

- -chris

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