Hi Peter

2008/8/27, Peter Crowther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > From: Anthony COMMUNIER [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > I'am doing load tests with a web application that is deployed
> > under Tomcat
> Tomcat has 3-character version numbers, so this is probably 5.0.26 or
> 5.5.26?

Sorry, it's version 5.5.26

> With only one request (no load just one call) it tooks 150 ms
> > to call the method getParameterNames from class
> > org.apache.catalina.connector.RequestFacade.
> Is this for the first call, or for second and subsequent calls as
> well?  First calls are often much slower as code is loaded.  If it's for
> second and subsequent calls, then there's a problem!

It's not the first call. I make some requests before measuring time in order
to avoid class loading overhead.

               - Peter
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