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Erik Rumppe wrote:
> I get the login screen correctly but then everytime I try to log in I
> get the Error page.

Do you get the login error page ("login failed"), or do you get a Tomcat
error page with a stack trace, etc.?

> HELP!!!!  Here is my server.xml file:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <Context docBase="/data/_b/TestSite" path="/TestSite">

You server.xml should not start with a <Context> element. Is this
context.xml by any chance?

It is not legal to use the "docBase" or "path" attributes in <Context>
in context.xml, so remove them. This probably isn't your problem, but it
will probably become a different problem later.

>  Resource name="jdbc/lostAndFoundDB" auth="Container"
>        maxActive="100" maxIdle="30" maxWait="10000"
>        username="[left blank]" password="[left blank]"
>        driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
>        url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/lostAndFound?autoReconnect=true"
>        logAbandoned="true" removeAbandoned="true"
>        removeAbandonedTimeout="60" type="javax.sql.DataSource" />

This element doesn't start with a <. Was that just a copy-paste error?

Also, don't use "autoReconnect=true", regardless of the Tomcat guide.
That parameter has been deprecated from the Connector/J driver and
considered unsuitable for production use. Use validationQuery="SELECT 1"
in your <Resource> element instead.

>  <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"

Since you are defining a DataSource above, why not use DataSourceRealm?
That way, your logins use the same connection pool as your other

> debug="99"
>     driverName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
>     connectionURL="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/lostAndFound?user=[left
> blank]&amp;password=[left blank]"
>     userTable="UserPass" userNameCol="Username" userCredCol="Password"
>     userRoleTable="UserRole" roleNameCol="Rolename" />
> </Context>
> Currently I am trying to use the JDBCRealm but I have also tried this
> using the DataSourceRealm and get the exact same results.

You will also need to add this attribute to your <Realm> if you want to
use a DataSourceRealm:


>      <!-- Database connection information for connection pooling
>    <res-ref-name>jdbc/testSite</res-ref-name>-->
>    <res-ref-name>jdbc/lostAndFoundDB</res-ref-name>

This configuration is incorrect. <res-ref-name> is only legal within a
<resource-ref> element. Check the DTD or Schema and correct this. I have
found that Tomcat does not need <resource-ref> elements for DataSources
that have been defined in a webapp's context.xml file. Note that you
never "testSite" anywhere.

Check all that stuff I found and see if your problem still exists. I
suspect that the missing < is the most likely problem.

- -chris
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