it works in part, i have done  this to add a ssoagentvalve:
String vname = "Catalina:type=Valve,name=SSOAgentValve,host=" + nameVH;
            ObjectName ovalve = new ObjectName(vname);

            Object valve =

vname, null);

but the *controller* and *containerName* stay empty. So I've tried to use
that :
* server.setAttribute(ovalve, new
Attribute("containerName","Catalina:type=Host,host=" + nameVH ));

  *And it doesn't work for both of them cause theses are not writable.
I'm going to try to use the host's function addchild  but that was my first
problem: this function doesnt' seem to work and i'm not sure that it will
fill the two missing parameters on the valve...

So, anyone got an idea?


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