On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 12:54 PM, Johnny Kewl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now you designing a web page... you pick Arial...

> have to discover the font (some how) and then you have to add that HTML to
> CSS code to your page....

Do you not understand that style information, including fonts, is just
a "serving suggestion"? A user-agent has *no* obligation to use any
given font, or any font at all.

If I'm looking at your page in Lynx, the font will be whatever my own
terminal window settings specify, be it Comic Sans or Copperplate
Gothic Bold.

If I use wget to grab a page and store it into a file or a DB, there is no
"font" information involved at any point whatsoever -- it's just character
data in some specified (or assumed!) encoding.

If a user-agent is intended to generate a visual display /and/  has a
font available to it with a glyph matching a specified code-point in a
specified encoding, great. If not -- so sorry.   Doesn't matter whether
you were using HTML entities or numeric representation: <?> is it.

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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