Konstantin Kolinko wrote:
2008/9/12 André Warnier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
I'm not sure these days what the "normal web character set" really is.  If
you're referring to ASCII (aka Basic Latin), then no, the Pound Sterling
symbol is not present.  However, for any of the ISO-8859-x variants, it is
present, using the 163 (0xA3) value you noted (same as the Unicode code
point).  It's also in UTF-8 of course, but requires two bytes (0xC2 0xA3) to
represent the code point.

I love these discussions about character sets. They seem to confuse so many
people; even I, who have been involved in them for 30 years...

Anyway, I have a related question, which I don't think constitutes a hijack
of this thread, because the underlying cause is probably similar.
Here it goes :

Tomcat (v 4.1, v 5.0, v5.5, have not tried yet in 6.x)
The above Tomcat's running under the same Linux or Solaris, essentially set
up the same way. The JVM may vary, but I don't think that is the problem,
because of the consistency of the problem as explained below.
I am running a webapp from an external supplier, always the same binary
version.  I don't have the code, can't see what's in it.
The pages served by that webapp are the same html pages, all of them having
a declaration <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
The pages also *are* properly encoded as iso-8859-1 (100% positive, I know
the difference).
The browser receiving the pages is always the same one, same settings.


case a)
in the Tomcat startup files, I do nothing, meaning I just take Tomcat
out-of-the-box and run the webapp.
Result : in any such html page that contains characters with an ISO-8859
codepoint above \xA0 (meaning the displayable characters of the "high" part
of the table, where one finds things like "uppercase A with umlaut"), these
 - appear in the browser display as "?" (minus the quotes)
 - also if I save the page from the browser to disk, and look at them with
an iso-8859-1 capable editor, they are effectively "?".
(So it's not the browser misunderstanding them, it is Tomcat sending them
that way).

case b)
In one of the Tomcat startup files (e.g. tomcat_dir/bin/startup.sh or even
in /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5), I add the following line
(or whatever is valid on that host to specify an iso-8859-1 LC_CTYPE)
(before the actual start of Tomcat)
and restart Tomcat
then the same page displays properly in the browser, and also is correct
iso-8859-1 when saved to disk and examined with the editor.
(In other words, what previously were "?" characters, are now the correct
iso-8859-1 character bytes).

Now my question is :
How can it matter which LC_CTYPE Tomcat is started under, that would have
the result above ?
The behaviour above is consistent across different hosts, across the same or
different Tomcat versions, it is always the same webapp, always the same
html pages, always the same browser, etc.  Only that LC_CTYPE line changes
the behaviour.
On the face of it, the only thing I can think of that would explain this, is
that the webapp in question does something wrong, but what exactly could it
be doing ?
Any ideas ?

It is <[EMAIL PROTECTED] pageEncoding="..." %> that is missing from those pages.
Thus JSP compiler does not know what encoding they are using for their
source and messes them at compilation time.

But these pages, as far as Tomcat and the webapp are concerned, are not dynamic in any way. They are sraight static html pages.
So is the JSP stuff relevant ?
(I'm genuinely asking, since I know nothing about JSP pages)

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