
In response to a request, a servlet opens and reads a file from disk, and sends the content out to the browser (ultimately), "as is". The content of the file is an html document, saved as a text under some encoding, correctly encoded under that encoding, and containing an html <meta http-equiv="Content-type: text/html; charset=xxxx >
where the specified encoding is correct and matches the document's.

The "in" stream (the disk file) is opened "raw", and the same for the "out" stream.

Question :
who is responsible for setting the HTTP response headers ?
Does the servlet have to set them explicitly ? or does Tomcat do that itself if the servlet doesn't ? (*) (I am specifically interested in headers like "Content-type" and "Content-length").

(*) and if Tomcat does, how does it know what to put there ?

Thanks in advance,

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