Listen... you got to try help us here...
How are you deploying it... unpacked, from a war, thru manager????

Are you dropping the same war into webapps on both systems?

And post the actual error logs...
Theres a big diff between noclassdef and noclassfound for example...
What are you getting... exactly

Make sure those directories are not in the system class path... if its noclassdef

From your IDE (on windows) or from tomcat manager... undeploy the webapp...
then drop the war in... I think you may see the same error...

How are you confirming it works on windows... from the IDE?

Its highly unusual for a war to work on one and not the other... more likely a deployment issue? Or from the sounds of things the class loaders are confused... dont help TC in classpaths.

More info needed ;)

----- Original Message ----- From: "khaled" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Saturday, September 13, 2008 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: application to windows -> linux

yes my classes are  located in WEB-INF/classes folde

2008/9/13 Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

did you verify your classes are located in WEB-INF/classes folder<BR>


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> Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 08:04:25 +0100
> To:
> Subject: application to windows -> linux
> Hi ,
> j' have developped a Web JSP application, with tomcat in Windows the
> application  works well,
>  then when i have to test in linux it  post error that tomcate does not
> my classes in /WEB-INF/classes/projet
> at : <jsp:useBean id="id" scope="page" class="projet.Testuser"/>
> how I can solve this problem
> thank you !
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