When you go into the Tomcat Manager you get a list of running web
applications.  Then the next section lets you deploy a host directory or
local WAR file.  It asks for the following information:

Context Path (optional):     [I have found this is not optional]
XML Configuration file URL:  [This appears to be optional]
WAR or Directory URL:        [Here I enter my host directory path]

I don't have anything in my server.xml.  Just a generic tomcat 6 install.
When I enter anything in the Context path that has a 2 tier specification
.i.e. xyz/abc I get an error when I try to deploy the host directory.  I
have been able to deploy a different directory using just xyx.  So basically
if I have a unix directory called /mywebapps/xyz that has a web application
in it.  And I want to deploy it using the Tomcat Manager what would I put in
for the Context Path.  I know that the WAR or Directory should be
/mywebapps/xyz.  I want the context path to be xyz/abc.  However if I put
that in the deployment fails.

Does this explain it a little better?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 9:07 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat 6 Manager

Susan G. Conger wrote:
> I am trying to use the deployment of a host directory under the tomcat
> manager.

No sure what you mean by deploy a host directory.

  The context path that I want to use is /webapp/bfc.  However
> whenever I try to deploy the directory it gives me an invalid context path
> and it fails to deploy.  What should I put in the context path to have it
> deploy to /webapps/bfc?

webapps is usually the host's appBase. I am a little confused.

A few questions:
- what is the full path to your Tomcat installation?
- what is your host configuration in server.xml?
- what is the full path to the directory you want to deploy?
- what url do you want to use to access this web app?


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