> Thanks Mark.
> How to force the 64-bit JVM to run?
> For now I'm using -Xmx2047M, which solves the immediate problem.

The latest Java updates for Mac include 32 and 64 bit 1.6.0_07.

You need to use the Java Preferences (Applications > Util > Java - or
something close to that) to change the default JVM.


> Lloyd Chambers
> http://diglloyd.com
> [Mac OS X 10.5.5 Intel, Tomcat 6.0.16]
> On Sep 26, 2008, at 11:19 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> DIGLLOYD INC wrote:
>>> Thanks to multiple people responding to this!
>>> My site diglloyd.com serves almost entirely static content, with many
>>> large JPEG files.
>>> I have set:
>>> That's limiting the JVM to 1GB of memory. And in
>>> tomcat/conf/context.xml, I set:
>>> <Context  cacheMaxSize="1500000" cacheTTL="60000"
>>> cachingAllowed="true" >
>>> Therein presumably lies the problem.  I'll change CATALINA_OPTS to be
>>> 2GB or so and retry.
>> You'll probably need to be using a 64-bit JVM to set that to 2GB.
>>> Mark, it would be helpful to be able to say "don't cache anything larger
>>> the N kilobytes/megabytes". I'd probably use a setting of 2MB or so for
>>> that.
>> cacheObjectMaxSize is now configurable (at least in trunk). The only
>> limitation is that it can't be greater than cacheMaxSize/20.
>> Mark
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