
I have an application which parses XML.  It sits behind an Apache
Httpd 2.2 server using mod_proxy_ajp.  I am finding that if I POST
more than about 1600 chars, the POST gets truncated, and I get an XML
parse error.

Httpd logs show:

[Tue Sep 30 19:40:27 2008] [debug] mod_proxy_ajp.c(206): proxy: got
1380 bytes of data


[Tue Sep 30 19:40:27 2008] [debug] ajp_header.c(284):
ajp_marshal_into_msgb: Header[3] [Content-Length] = [1615]

Checking back over my logs, proxy has never "got" more than 1614 bytes of data.

Does anyone have any idea what is cutting this off?  I am imagining
there may be a setting somewhere which says: "Don't pass more than
$value bytes of data".


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