I'm trying to configure mod_jk 1.2.16.with Apache 1.3.26 and tomcat 5.0.28 on 
Solaris 9. I compiled the mod_jk from source for the Apache version. 
Unfortunately, I'm stuck with this environment. 
Behavior with mod_jk ForwardDirectories:
When index.shtml exists

        GOOD http://www.domain.com/EDS/index.shtml -> Loads as desired
        GOOD http://www.domain.com/EDS/index.page  -> Loads as desired
        FAIL http://www.domain.com/EDS -> Pulls index.page from Tomcat, 
ignoring Apache DirectoryIndex
        FAIL http://www.domain.com/EDS/ -> Pulls index.page from Tomcat, 
ignoring Apache DirectoryIndex
        FAIL http://www.domain.com/ -> Displays Tomcat site chooser, ignoring 
Apache DirectoryIndex (which would display EDS/index.shtml) 

And now when index.shtml does not exist

*       GOOD http://www.domain.com/EDS -> Pulls index.page from Tomcat, 
ignoring Apache DirectoryIndex 
*       GOOD http://www.domain.com/EDS/ -> Pulls index.page from Tomcat, 
ignoring Apache DirectoryIndex 
*       GOOD http://www.domain.com/ -> Displays Tomcat site chooser, ignoring 
Apache DirectoryIndex (which would display EDS/index.shtml)

Behavior without mod_jk ForwardDirectories option:
When index.shtml exists

        GOOD http://www.domain.com/EDS/index.shtml -> Loads as desired
        GOOD http://www.domain.com/EDS/index.page  -> Loads as desired
        GOOD http://www.domain.com/EDS -> Pulls index.shtml from Apache 
        GOOD http://www.domain.com/EDS/ -> Pulls index.shtml from Apache 
        GOOD http://www.domain.com/ -> Displays /EDS/index.shtml

And now when index.shtml does not exist

        FAIL http://www.domain.com/EDS -> Apache Access Denied error (does not 
send request for directory "EDS" to Tomcat)
        FAIL http://www.domain.com/EDS/ -> Apache Access Denied error (does not 
send request for directory "EDS" to Tomcat)
        FAIL http://www.domain.com/ -> Apache Access Denied error (does not 
send request for directory "EDS" to Tomcat)

Relevant apache configuration:
LoadModule jk_module libexec/mod_jk.so.0.0.0
JkWorkersFile /cust/IBMHttpServer/conf/jk/worker.properties
JkShmFile       /cust/IBMHttpServer/logs/mod_jk.shm
JkLogFile        /cust/IBMHttpServer/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel      debug
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "
JkMount  /*.page ajp13
JkOptions +ForwardDirectories
DocumentRoot /cust/IBMHttpServer/htdocs/data
ServerName www.domain.com
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin /cust/IBMHttpServer/cgi-bin
DirectoryIndex /EDS/index.shtml
CheckSpelling off
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .* - [F]
JkMount  /*.page ajp13
mod_jk.log log entries for a request '/EDS/' when 'index.shtml' should be 
displayed from the Apache DocumentRoot:
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] 
map_uri_to_worker::jk_uri_worker_map.c (682): Attempting to map URI '/EDS/' 
from 1 maps
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] find_match::jk_uri_worker_map.c 
(503): Attempting to map context URI '/*.page=ajp13' source 'JkMount'
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] jk_translate::mod_jk.c (2868): no 
match for /EDS/ found
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] 
map_uri_to_worker::jk_uri_worker_map.c (682): Attempting to map URI 
'/EDS/index.shtml' from 1 maps
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] find_match::jk_uri_worker_map.c 
(503): Attempting to map context URI '/*.page=ajp13' source 'JkMount'
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] jk_translate::mod_jk.c (2868): no 
match for /EDS/index.shtml found
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] jk_fixups::mod_jk.c (2947): 
ForwardDirectories on: /EDS/
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] 
map_uri_to_worker::jk_uri_worker_map.c (682): Attempting to map URI '/EDS/' 
from 1 maps
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] find_match::jk_uri_worker_map.c 
(503): Attempting to map context URI '/*.page=ajp13' source 'JkMount'
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] jk_translate::mod_jk.c (2772): 
Manual configuration for /EDS/ ajp13
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] 
wc_get_worker_for_name::jk_worker.c (115): found a worker ajp13
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] wc_maintain::jk_worker.c (323): 
Maintaining worker ajp13
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] wc_get_name_for_type::jk_worker.c 
(292): Found worker type 'ajp13'
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] init_ws_service::mod_jk.c (865): 
Service protocol=HTTP/1.1 method=GET host=(null) addr= n
ame=www.domain.com port=80 auth=(null) user=(null) laddr= 
raddr= uri=/EDS/
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] ajp_get_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c 
(2579): acquired connection pool slot=0
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] 
ajp_marshal_into_msgb::jk_ajp_common.c (553): ajp marshaling done
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c 
(2050): processing ajp13 with 2 retries
[Thu Oct 02 17:05:37 2008] [24767:0] [debug] 
ajp_connection_tcp_send_message::jk_ajp_common.c (934): sending to ajp13 pos=4 
len=411 max=8192
Does anyone have any ideas? I tried increasing the Apache log level to debug, 
thinking it could be a mod_dir problem, but there was no additional logging 

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