sharmasgsin wrote:
I am developing an application that do the following--
1) create the subdomain at, like i am creating asubdomain
2)At the same time this aplication is creating an account at other
application that is with all the ftp details of the
newly created subdomian( using this
application a user can deevelop and publish his website at the above given
my web server is tocat.
     To publish the website, this application( test
the connection using the given ftp details, when i publish the website i not the following points ---
         1)this application fails to publish the website immediately to the
given subdomain using the ftp detail.
         2)this application is able to publish the website after one hour,
to the given subdomain using the ftp detail.
         3)if i restart the tomcat this application is able to publish the
website immediately.
         here i am describing the what i need---
                     1) i want to publish the website immediately, without
restarting the tomcat.
                     2) can i update the tomcat to responde the newly
deployed applications immediately without restarting it.
                     please let me know as soon as possible.
After perusing the above a couple of times, my interpretation goes like this :

First, in summary, the question may boil down to : if the Tomcat/conf/server.xml file is modified (timestamp changed), does Tomcat automatically reload itself ? after some time ?

I kind of understand that the above means that a Tomcat application dynamically modifies the server.xml to add a new Host, and that as soon as this is the case, the OP would like Tomcat to notice and enable this new Host. I also guess that it seems that whenever this application does the above, currently the new site is not immediately available, but becomes available after about an hour. The question in my mind (if it is true that Tomcat would reload if server.xml is changed) is if the experienced delay may not just be the time needed for the DNS system to propagate the new domain address ?

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