Mark H. Wood wrote:
[...] good stuff

I think that's what is being asked: there should be *one page* that
begins with *everything you need to know* in order to say, "put the
log file there".  Just that.  After that, it's appropriate to point
out that much more subtle arrangements are available, and when you
want more, come back, here are pointers to all the hairy details.

Thank you.

That's what I mean with a (revisited) <Logger> element :
have some simple attributes in it, similar to the former Tomcat 4.1 <Logger>, for a simple configuration. Then add a couple of attributes of the "delegate to" variety, for anyone who wants to make it more complicated, delicate, fine-tuned, whatever.

Then give the possibility to copy and modify this <Logger>, and insert it into each webapp's web.xml or context.xml, to say "now this one logs some other way". But if I remove this <Logger> from the webapp config, then it reverts to logging like its papa.

I have no idea if this would be difficult, or if this is even possible or allowed with respect to Java or Servlet specs, but that's the idea, and it would be great for us Tomcat dummies if it was.

Alternatively, maybe something can be done in the docs, but the problem would remain for guys like me who "get the Tomcat that's there", just want to add this one small webapp, and please-also-clean-up-the-logs, and have to figure out what the hell this is all about.

I have another point to add : maybe I understand this wrong, but it seems that with the current implementation, a webapp is able to decide where and how it logs, no matter what the overall server configuration says. And that seems to me like the tail wagging the dog.
But again, maybe I just don't understand how it works. I admit I don't.

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