Wayne Bragg schrieb:
> my setup:
>    WinXP Home
>    Wed-Dev install of:
>        Apache/2.2.3 (Win32)
>        Tomcat 5
>        PHP 5.2.0

Before proceeding consider taking more recent minor versions, like
2.2.10, PHP 5.2.6 and you didn't tell us your Tomcat version. Your
mod_jk below is 1.2.19, which is *very* outdated, use 1.2.26.

> I have mod_jk connector set up the following way according to
> instructions:
> Alias /dwr-examples "/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/"
> <Directory "/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/">
>  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

If you don't need those options drop them.

>  AllowOverride None
>  Order deny,allow
>  Deny from all
>  Allow from all
>  AddType text/html .php .phps
>  AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php
>  AddHandler application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
> </Directory>
> mod_jk setup:
>    LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
> <IfModule jk_module>
>     JkWorkersFile conf/Suite-extra/workers.properties

We don't know the contents of this file.

>     JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
>     JkLogLevel warn
>     JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "

You shouldn't nedd a JkLogStampFormat. Only use it, if you think you
need it.

>     JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat -ForwardDirectories

Delete +ForwardURICompat from the list if you are not sure you need it.

>     JkRequestLogFormat "%w %V %T"

You should use logging of mod_jk notes in the access log instead.

>    <Location /*/WEB-INF/*>
>         # AllowOverride None
>          deny from all
>     </Location>
>    JkMount /dwr-examples/*.jsp ajp13worker1
>    JkMount /dwr-examples/*.jspx ajp13worker1

Your testing URL /dwr-examples/dwr does not match any of those two
rules, so it won't get send to Tomcat.

>    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.html  ajp13worker1
>    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.htm  ajp13worker1
>    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.png  ajp13worker1
>    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.jpg  ajp13worker1
>    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.jpeg  ajp13worker1
>    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.gif  ajp13worker1
>    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.ico  ajp13worker1
>    JkUnMount /dwr-examples/*.php  ajp13worker1

What about

    JkMount /dwr-examples/* ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /*.html  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /*.htm  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /*.png  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /*.jpg  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /*.jpeg  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /*.gif  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /*.ico  ajp13worker1
    JkUnMount /*.php  ajp13worker1


> </IfModule>
> Everthing works using port 8080 but I am getting the following error in the
> error.log in Apache when I use port
> 80 ie: http://localhost:8080/dwr-examples/ vs
> http://localhost/dwr-examples/
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:32 2008] [notice] ModSecurity for Apache 2.0.4 configured
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:34 2008] [notice] Apache/2.2.3 (Win32) PHP/5.2.0
> mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.8d mod_jk/1.2.19 mod_perl/2.0.3-dev Perl/v5.8.8
> configured -- resuming normal operations
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:34 2008] [notice] Server built: Nov 15 2006 21:34:51
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:34 2008] [notice] Parent: Created child process 268
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:36 2008] [notice] ModSecurity for Apache 2.0.4 configured
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Child process is running
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Acquired the start mutex.
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Starting 250 worker threads.
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Starting thread to listen on
> port 443.
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:38 2008] [notice] Child 268: Starting thread to listen on
> port 80.
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:51 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist:
> C:/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/dwr, referer:
> http://localhost/dwr-examples/

Your request seems to be answered with a redirect to dwr-examples/dwr,
which is not contained in your forward rules.

> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:51 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist:
> C:/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/dwr, referer:
> http://localhost/dwr-examples/
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:51 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist:
> C:/www/tomcat5/webapps/dwr-examples/dwr, referer:
> http://localhost/dwr-examples/
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:52 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist:
> C:/www/webroot/favicon.ico
> [Sun Oct 26 15:11:55 2008] [error] [client] File does not exist:
> C:/www/webroot/favicon.ico
> Where /DWR is a servlet in Tomcat that works properly under port:8080

Be careful, URLs are case-sensitive. From the above it seems to be
/dwr-examples/dwr. In case it still doesn't work with the fixed
Jk(Un)Mounts, please set JkLogLevel to debug, retry one request and post
the JK log file.



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