Dear Gaurav,

I have tomcat server with apache (mod_jk) and mysql running on my box.
Initially there were no issues with the server. But from past one month, the tomcat application hangs and websites also doesn't open. Though when i run
nmap localhost, it shows me 8080 and ajp13 services running.

You could try to make a thread dump to see what Tomcat is doing. Any errors in the logs that you did not expect?

I have notices that in last 1 month serveral websites have been hosted on the box. Earlier around 6-10 websites were hosted but now it has increased
to 20. Is it putting load on the server.

Virtual server, or actual iron?

I am facing another issue.
Most of the websites have .war files deployed, so whenever i restarts the tomcat, it takes 90 seconds to start the tomcat. Time duration has also
incereased as the  no. websites have increased.

Kindly provide me some solution so that i don't have to face any downtime in

Well, you can start by installing multiple instances of Tomcat and placing a few sites in each. If you have the memory I would probably aim for having one Tomcat instance per handful of web application (as long as they are not inter-dependent). Then use Apache to route the traffic to the right application.

That way, if one appliction screws up you don't have to restart the whole Tomcat server, just the one instance.
Kees Jan

Rule 1 for being in a hole: stop digging.

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