Dear Jesper,

At server startup, is it possible to configure tomcat to not open it's http ports so early?

By default the server starts to receive http requests quite long before initialization is complete. These requests are held open until the server is ready to respond, and then the response is sent.

In my case this behavior is not desirable, I would like the server to be fully ready and warmed up before the http port is actually opened for requests.

The reason is the server is part of a load balanced pool, and if the load balancer detects a just-started server too early, users will experience unacceptably long response times.

I believe the suggestion to improve the loadbalancer detection logic is the better one. But, in case that is a closed source beast:

You could use a script on the Tomcat machine to only open the HTTP ports in the firewall of that machine after a few seconds from Tomcat starting. Each machine does have its own port filtering, right?

You could review the code in your Tomcat webapp to take away some of the slow starting-ness. On modern hardware a webapp should be up and running in a few seconds, and careful background-loading should spread out other startup initialisation.

Kees Jan

The secret of success lies in the stability of the goal. -- Benjamin Disraeli

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