Christopher Schultz wrote:
I can't help but suspect that Apache httpd will outperform Tomcat even
when it's running APR for static content, merely due to the overhead of
the JVM, heap management, etc. (which I realize are fairly minimal).

Can anyone give a non-flame comment or point to an actual performance
comparison with decent data?
Serving static content is an I/O-limited task. So whether the server code takes 450ns or 500ns to do the processing required is not significant. Provided the interface with the kernel is optimal, any server will perform roughly the same because it's the kernel doing all the work.

I think you also need to factor in the labor cost to manage two different servers. I know that in our production deployments we could buy many many machines for the cost of the time we've spent trying to make AJP work. Tomcat could be 10x slower than Apache and I'd still use it to avoid the hassle.

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