You should configure mod_proxy in Apache for that. You basically proxy
"no port" (is actually port 80) to your port 10080.

The docs for mod_proxy can be found here:

Kees de Kooter

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 09:57,  <> wrote:
> I had a doubt of something I had heard with regard to the access of URL
> possible without port number if apache is used in the environment. We have
> our application running with JBOSS as the AS and tomcat as the web server.
> My question is that is the URL,
> http://application-URL:10080
> assuming tomcat is running on port 10080 can be accessed like
> http://application-URL
> without the port number if apache is also installed.
> I hope, my question is clear.
> Please, help in solving the doubt.
> regards
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