> From: news [mailto:n...@ger.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Eric B.
> Subject: dbcp pool freezing
> and see that all my threads are in the WAITING state from
> org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.pool.impl.GenericObjectPool.borrowObject
> (GenericObjectPool.java:810)
> I don't believe I have any connection leaks in my code

Belief is not a substitute for evidence...  Your webapp is clearly not 
returning connection objects to the pool in a timely fashion.  Given the other 
observations, it may not be a traditional leak, but a logic error in your 
webapp that is repeatedly obtaining multiple connection objects for one 
request.  Look deeper in the stack trace to see where in *your* code the call 
originates.  Setting the pool size to one often helps in finding such bugs.

> I would expect that if some threads are "busy" doing
> nothing, that they would be cleaned up by the removeAbandoned
> option, and released to the next available thread.

That's not the way it works.  Any connection objects not returned to the pool 
in the specified amount of time are simply discarded and new ones created to 
take their place.

> I was hoping to go through the source code for the pooling,

"It's always somebody else's fault" (non-sexist version of a Jimmy Buffett 
line).  The bug is in your webapp.

> I can't seem to find the srcs for tomcat-dbcp.jar anywhere.

The source is created during the Tomcat build process by a script that edits 
the package names; the code is identical with what's in commons-dbcp otherwise.

 - Chuck

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