In this regard, is a very useful tool.


On Mar 2, 2009, at 6:55 AM, Tim Funk wrote:

* is mapped to the default servlet. And this is done system wide in conf/web.xml. You can turn that behavior off and require each webpp to map *. But then youi also need to make sure you have a way to serve static content like images. (Which is what the default servlet does)

A better way is to use a Filter. The filter can look at the URL - determine if it is SEO friendly URL, and then perform a RequestDispatcher.forward() to the "real servlet".


Dan Vega wrote:
Thanks for the help Chuck. I am actually running railo under tomcat fine right now and as you said its just a specific app thats not working because it uses a convention for urls. From what I understand Tomcat only allows one * per mapping and thats why these urls are not working and that resin allows
for this. Is this not correct?

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