Hi Chuck,

Thanks. I read that tutorial as you suggested. Very useful information. I think 
I understand the gist of it. After further reading it seems like there are some 
issues w.r.t. the use of Spring(and/or)Hibernate together with CGLib that 
particularly affect Tomcat. I found this thread: 
http://forum.springframework.org/printthread.php?t=21383&pp=40 which seems to 
try and point the finger at Tomcat. Does anybody concur with these findings or 
have you found ways around using Spring/Hibernate/CGLib/Tomcat so that they all 
get along? It's a bit late in the game for me to be making any major 
architectural changes and Tomcat has worked well for us in all other respects.

Thanks again,

----- Original Message ----
From: "Caldarale, Charles R" <chuck.caldar...@unisys.com>
To: Tomcat Users List <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:52:29 PM
Subject: RE: Tracking down OOM - PermGen using jmap and jhat

> From: Darryl Pentz [mailto:djpe...@yahoo.com] 
> Subject: Re: Tracking down OOM - PermGen using jmap and jhat
> I tried using JConsole's GC button, but 
> clearly this didn't do the trick.

Did clicking the button run a major GC (aka PS MarkSweep)?

Are any classes at all being unloaded?  (Look at the Classes tab in JConsole.)

> -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

That's actually not very big.

> So the issue right now is a plan of attack to properly unload 
> classes in order to expose the likely culprit.

The culprit is what's keeping the classes from being unloaded.

Here's a short tutorial you might want to look at:

- Chuck

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