
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 8:45 PM,  <> wrote:
> There is no native JDBC driver for Navision, so I have to use the ODBC
> version.

ODBC is usually already a show-stopper on Java

> I think I may have found the problem, but I do not know how to fix it. All
> of our systems (including the production server) have Symantec virus
> software running.

Well, maybe you should use an /anti"-virus-software....
Symantec will slow down the process.

>  When I turn the virus checking off, the application
> runs very well, when I turn the virus checking on, I experience the slow
> screen display

So your problem is not Tomcat since Tomcat is not aware of any
virus-protection nor interacts it with it.
As long as you keep Symnatic running with your current configuration,
you'll have to face the performance-problems.
I'll bet my bottom penny that if you use a different servlet-cpntainer
such as Resin, the problems will persist.

> Does anyone know of a solution to this problem?

Erm - use Linux? But...

> I have been told that
> turning off the virus scanning on the production box is not an option.  I
> have also been told that Linux is not an option.

Well, maybe try a different scanner? Ever tried McAffee?

> Where do I go from here?

I suggest to Symantec's support-site

Sorry that I don't have any good news for you...

just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you...
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