> From: Gregor Schneider [mailto:rc4...@googlemail.com]
> See, I believe in the statement that the more components you're adding
> to an environment, the more possibilities there are for a
> security-hole. However, to believe is not to know...

It's clear that a naïve "more components => less secure" argument doesn't work 
in computer security, as I think few people on this list would argue with the 
following: "A Tomcat server with a dedicated firewall in front will be more 
secure than the same Tomcat with no dedicated firewall in front."  Here, more 
components - and the assumption of fitness for purpose and correct 
configuration - lead to an assumption of higher rather than lower security.

So we're then into a discussion of how well httpd + mod_security + { mod_proxy, 
mod_jk} would serve for the purpose - a discussion of the *quality* of the 
components, rather than just the *quantity*.  And that's why I'd love to see 
the hard data because, like you, I don't know :-).

                - Peter

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