On Tue, Apr 07, 2009 at 05:58:46PM -0400, Christopher Schultz wrote:
> > OK, she said we need Tomcat because of PAC scripts to do the proxy auto 
> > configurations.
> I think she's still confused. Sorry if you already know all this, but
> I'm new to proxy research and I'd never heard of a "PAC script". Here's
> my reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_auto-config

No problems. I am confused and new too, and of course learning! :) Good 
find too. I didn't think PAC was a generic thing. I thought it was only 
for Tomcat.

> These scripts don't appear to have anything to do with Tomcat
> specifically. Let me re-state this: Tomcat does not include any kind of
> build-in proxying capability. You'd either have to write your own web
> application to run in Tomcat and do the proxying (which is totally
> stupid, because you'd be performing a /ton/ of work that is not
> necessary just to then hand-off the request to another server) or use
> someone else's existing application (equally stupid for the previously
> stated reason).
> You might want to read
> http://homepages.tesco.net/J.deBoynePollard/FGA/web-browser-auto-proxy-configuration.html
> for information on these scripts and ultimately how to use them.

Excellent finds. I will share those.

> > So, do I still need to do the Apache [web] server?
> Maybe? If you want to do proxying, Apache httpd will get you closer than
> Apache Tomcat, but I think there are better products out there for you
> (see below). If you're still interested, you can read
> http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_proxy.html for everything
> Apache httpd can do for you proxy-wise.

Thanks. Maybe she wanted me to run Apache and not Tomcat. I will have to
talk her about that.

> > If so, then can I put both Tomcat and Apache on one machine to act a
> > server and another computer?
> Uh... huh? Yes, you can install both Apache httpd and Apache Tomcat on
> the same machine, but I'm not sure why you'd want both (or either)?

Well, it sounded like Apache httpd and Tomcat are two differnet things. 
Apache for web service/server and Tomcat to add to Apache.

> You might want to start with the information you can find on Wikipedia
> about proxy servers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proxy_server)
> specifically the sections on "web proxy" and "proxy software". Instead
> of trying to get httpd or Tomcat as a proxy server, why not use
> something that was built specifically to act as a proxy (such as Squid).

OK. I actually used CCproxy (http://www.youngzsoft.net/ccproxy/) and 
got it to work. She wanted me to use Tomcat for another scenario. 

Thanks again. :)
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