J Channel wrote:

Let me jump in here for a while.

First, I think it would be clearer (and certainly more efficient), to move your Rewrite rules away from a .htaccess file in docroot, and just put them in your main Apache configuration files. (I suppose that if you have access to the DocumentRoot, you have access to the server (or virtual server) *.conf, yes ?)

Second, I personally find another syntax clearer than JkMount, specially when you need to combine it with other rules in Apache. The main reason is that indeed, it is not always very clear which kind of "priority" JkMount/JkUnMount directives have, vis-a-vis Apache Rewrite, <Location> etc..

So, for example, instead of writing
JkMount /myapp workername
JkMount /myapp/* workername

you can also do it as follows :

<Location /myapp>
  SetHandler jakarta-servlet

This is explained here:

in the section entitled :
Using SetHandler and Environment Variables

Basically, the <Location> section above means that anything corresponding to a URI starting with "/myapp" will be passed on to Tomcat. It is thus equivalent to the duo
JkMount /myapp workername
JkMount /myapp/* workername

but, in my view, it gives you more flexibility at the Apache level, and also fits better with the Apache "way of things". I think it makes the respective priorities of mod_jk and RewriteRules clearer, because they are the same as what they are in Apache between Rewrite and <Location> blocks. For example, if you load the mod_setenvif module in Apache, you can exclude some URI's inside of that location using this kind of thing :

<Location /myapp>
  SetHandler jakarta-servlet
  SetEnvIf REQUEST_URI "\.(css|gif|jpg|js|html?)$" no-jk

meaning that URI's for files starting with "/myapp" but ending in one of the extensions above will /not/ be passed to Tomcat (but the rest will).

You can also add a second <Location> like

<Location /myapp/no-tomcat>
  SetHandler none

so that most things starting with "/myapp" will go to Tomcat, except the ones starting with "/myapp/no-tomcat".

And of course, you can use <Location>, <LocationMatch>, <Files>, <FilesMatch> etc.. to similar effect.

Which seems to me the kind of thing you want.

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