Well, no, I didn't.  I just answered the wrong message.
Tip: respond to the list only, not (also) to the person's address.
Otherwise, that person gets each message twice : once because he subscribes to the list, and once your direct message.
Responding only to the list also saves trees and minimises global warming.

OOps, sorry. I think I sent a response to the wrong guy.
Antonio must be wondering now. ;-)

Security Management wrote:
OK, I was switching the name to make sure the logs switched the name and

It's consistent in the file.

Anyway, I am lost now. Consistent with what ?
Would you mind re-posting the current content of your 3 files, as they
are now, consistent and all ?

Alternatively, do the following :
- comment your "JkMountFile" line
- instead add these two lines :
  JkMount /appsuite worker1
  JkMount /appsuite/* worker1

and tell us if that works.

-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 4:19 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help with mod_jk and Apache 2.2

Security Management wrote:
Yeah, I saw that, and it's now:


Which should match /appsuite/ and /appsuite/*

Now wait a minute. Why did this suddenly become "/smc-appsuite", and not like before, "/appsuite" ?
If you keep changing the data between questions, it becomes hard to follow.

Still not working, though.  Same problem.  Any more ideas?

Thanks for the help,

-----Original Message-----
From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 10:03 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Help with mod_jk and Apache 2.2

Antonio Vidal Ferrer wrote:

I guess the = sign in your jkmount file is wrong.
It should say:
/appsuite       worker1

Not according to this :

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