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On 4/17/2009 1:07 PM, Vladimir Mikhelson wrote:
> I downloaded the binary mod_jk-1.2.27-httpd-2.0.63-nw.zip
> Unfortunately I was getting the following in the httpd message screen:
> Syntax error on line 638 of SYS:/apache2/conf/httpd.conf:
> JkWorkersFile only allowed once

Could you post more of your httpd.conf file? The error message is pretty
self-explanatory.... line 638 is probably the /second/ place
JkWorkersFile is mentioned in httpd.conf, so you should look for other

> Here is the part of the httpd.conf where the loader failed:
> Line 636   #  TABLE: (4)
> Line 637   <IfModule mod_jk.c>
> Line 638   JkWorkersFile "sys:/adminsrv/conf/mod_jk/workers.properties"
> Line 639   JkLogFile "logs/mod_jk.log"
> Line 640   JkLogLevel error
> Line 641   </IfModule>
> NetWare loads httpd in the Admin and then in the OS memory spaces.  The
> problem is observed on the second load.

Hmm.... I'm not familiar enough with netware to know what you mean when
you say that you load it in the Admin and OS memory spaces. Why are you
running httpd more than once?

> Do you think that it is something that Tomcat people can take care of or
> is something where Novell should make their special binary?

While mod_jk is pretty much a product to support Tomcat (or other Java
web application servers), the code itself is separate from Tomcat and
maintained by different people. Two of the mod_jk developers lurk on
this list and may be able to help, but I suspect your problem is
configuration-related and not a problem with mod_jk itself.

- -chris
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