> From: Potri Raaja [mailto:potri.ra...@hotcourses.co.in]
> The below mentioned details are the error message from the
> hs_err_pid29022.log file, can you please look in to this and
> help me out to trace the exact issue.

The fault is happening in some native code in the Oracle driver 
(libocijdbc10.so).  I'm with Chuck, I'd try the native Java Oracle client and 
see whether the problem goes away.  Failing that, check with Oracle about any 
issues between their native client and your exact JVM version and environment?

> > Stack: [0x22e7f000,0x22f00000),  sp=0x22efe9a8,  free space=510k
> > Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM
> code, C=native
> > code)
> > C  [libocijdbc10.so+0x123e6]
> > C  [libocijdbc10.so+0xe248]
> > Java_oracle_jdbc_driver_T2CStatement_t2cDefineFetch+0x90
> > J

                - Peter

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