I put Lambda Probe (http://www.lambdaprobe.org/d/index.htm) on the web server to monitor some of the memory usage. Here's what I'm finding after 20 minutes of running. Keep in mind this is without SSL enabled.

Name    Usage score     Plot    Used    Committed       Maximum         Initial 
Tenured Gen 129.73Mb    138.86Mb        945.25Mb        118.19Mb        HEAP
Perm Gen        45.88Mb         46.00Mb         64.00Mb         12.00Mb         
Survivor Space 957.74Kb         1.13Mb  7.88Mb  960.00Kb        HEAP
Code Cache 12.19Mb      12.22Mb         32.00Mb         192.00Kb        NON_HEAP
Eden Space 6.75Mb       9.38Mb  63.00Mb         7.94Mb  HEAP
Total 195.48Mb  207.58Mb        1.09Gb  139.25Mb        TOTAL

Everything is running fine at the moment but I'm a little concerned about Perm Gen and the space we have allocated for it. I imagine that it's possible, with SSL enabled, that the space is being used up. Is there enough overhead with SSL to have this scenario? I did some reading on Perm Gen and we do use an extensive about of Hibernate in this application, and it's JSF based.

Chris Stewart

On Apr 28, 2009, at 10:56 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:

Chris Stewart wrote:
Over the weekend we added SSL security to a Tomcat 6 instance that has been running for awhile without error. This morning, after the number of sessions increased on the machine, Tomcat began throwing 500 errors
to users.  I checked the logs and found an instance of OutOfMemory,
followed by dozens of errors related to Google Guice attempting to
start new threads.  I can only image that with the addition of SSL,
more memory is being used by more threads being created, or some such
situation. I'm not terribly sure where or how the extra resources are
being used.

I was hoping that those with the experience of using SSL on Tomcat
could point me in some direction on places to look for clues.  At the
moment I'm not sure where the issue could be.  Here are a few of the
statistics about our setup and configuration:

Initial Memory Pool: 128MB
Maximum Memory Pool: 1024MB
Thread Stack Size: 512KB

Tomcat version? OS vendor/version? OS memory? JVM vendor version? Connector
settings in server.xml?

I've been adjusting these in various ways to attempt to at least find
a path towards success.  So far, about 5 minutes after the server is
restarted the performance begins to plummet.

Grab yourself a profiler and see what is using the memory.


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