>>Tomcat 6.0 supports version 2.5 of the servlet spec, whereas Tocmat 5.5
uses 2.4; the 2.5 spec includes resource >>annotations, whereas 2.4 doesn't.
 You didn't bother to specify a spec version in your web.xml.

Do you suggest I put the 2.4 servlet spec version in web.xml?

>>so Tomcat chose the one appropriate for its level; Tomcat 6.0 honored your
annotations while Tomcat 5.5 ignored them. >>Since the declared resources
weren't available, you received the appropriate error messages.

 Resource.class is present in lib directory under annotations-api.jar.
WebServiceContext.class is also present under the $CATALINA_HOME/lib
directory. Do you see any version problem in these classes?


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