On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 12:47 AM, Jan Peters <peters...@gmx.at> wrote:

> I developed a mapserver client application that embeds a Flash object within 
> a JSP page using a taglib to trigger a JSP database query to create a new map 
> for the viewer. All of this works perfectly in Firefox but Internet Explorer 
> exits with the error "Site [mysite] cannot be loaded. Process terminated."

I don't use mod_jk, but I'd recommend you try recreating this
first without it (direct connect to Tomcat).

> <p>
>  <%@ taglib uri="taglib.tld" prefix="j" %>
>  </p>

No idea if it's relevant, but why in the world would you put a taglib
declaration inside page markup??  I would put that at the start of
the page before any response output is set.

Hassan Schroeder ------------------------ hassan.schroe...@gmail.com

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