Have you tried a different order?

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Viktoras Agejevas <v.ageje...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a weird default servlet url mapping issue
> (Tomcat 6.0.18 with fully default configuration).
> Here's my web.xml configuration:
> <web-app ... v2.5>
> <servlet-mapping>
>      <servlet-name>AnyServlet</servlet-name>
>      <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> <servlet-mapping>
>      <servlet-name>default</servlet-name>
>      <url-pattern>/resources/css/*</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> </web-app>
> 1. If I request http://localhost:8080/whatever
>   AnyServlet handles the request. - OK
> 2. If I request http://localhost:8080/resources/css/style.css
>   I get a Tomcat 404 error page. - NOT OK
> 3. If I request http://localhost:8080/resources/resources/css/style.css
>   I get the style.css file. - NOT OK
> Directory layout is:
> webapps
>  |--ROOT
>  |       |--resources
>  |       |       |--css
>  |       |            |--style.css
>  |       |--WEB-INF
>  |       |       |--web.xml
> If I run the same example in Jetty everything works as expected.
> I don't know if it's a bug in Tomcat or some Tomcat misconfiguration
> but it clearly violates Servlet specification...
> Any ideas about the issue?
> Thanks,
> Viktoras
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