I'm quite new at using tomcat.  I've installed tomcat 4.1.  I've followed my 
book (Java Programming (Shelly Cashman Series)) and modified my web.xml 
("invoker") in the web-inf directory & enabled servlet reloading for tomcat.  
Tomcat seems to be working well & all the servlet examples work fine.   I 
assume my classpaths are all correct.

I've susscessfully compiled a servlet called WebStocks which is the controller 
in my MVC model and placed it in the classes folder in the web-inf directory.

I am able to access the index.html through (localhost:8080/index.html).
 My aplication requires you to log on the index.html and when you click "log 
on", the userName and password are supposed to bo posted to the WebStocks 
However, when I click "log on",  all that is displayed is: 
 Status 404 - /servlet/WebStocks


type Status report

message /servlet/WebStocks

description The requested resource (/servlet/WebStocks) is not available.


Apache Tomcat/4.1.18

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