Pardon my ignorance .. but browsing thru the application directories I found a 
number of other file types like css, javascript, ser etc and wasnt sure whether 
these need to go to tomcat or not. Hence -> JkMount /LCSW/* ajp13  

So I went with with I am sure about, which is image files and html pages. 
Nobody in my shop knows this side of the application and vendor support is 

From: Christopher Schultz <>
To: Tomcat Users List <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 10:31:20 AM
Subject: Re: Tomcat not closing threads -- SOLVED ??

Hash: SHA1


On 5/26/2009 2:47 PM, Chetan Chheda wrote:
> After some digging thru config files setup by the vendor, I think I
> might have found the root cause ..Correlating the access_log and tomcat
> logs, I found out that tomcat threads were shooting up whenever a large
> number of GIF files were being requested.
> These are the modjk settings in our application config files that
> are included in httpd.conf
> JkMount /LCSW/* ajp13  
> JkMount /LCSW/*.jsp ajp13
> JkMount /LCSW/*.jsp/* ajp13

As André points out, the second and third line are superfluous, given
the first line.

> So when an image is accessed via the following URL,
> http://blahbhal/LCSW/images/header.gif , the above routes were sending
> it to tomcat. I verified this by shutting down tomcat and accessing the
> above URL, and was unsuccessful.
> Now I plan to add the following excludes 
> JkUnMount /*.htm ajp13
> JkUnMount /*.html ajp13
> JkUnMount /*.png ajp13
> JkUnMount /*.gif ajp13
> JkUnMount /*.jpg ajp13

Instead of including everything, then excluding certain things, why not
just include /only/ the things you /actually/ want Tomcat to handle.
Something like:

JkMount /LCSW/*.jsp ajp13

> I tested the above in a test environment and was able to access a
> gif file with tomcat down.

Try the above. I think you'll like it better, since you won't have to
add exceptions for every type of static file you want to serve.

> my question is, how does the ajp13 connector interpret a gif
> file/static content request as opposed to a jsp request?

mod_jk does not do any interpretation at all. The JkMount directives
just set up a table of URL pattern matchers. No content is analyzed or
anything like that. In combination with another module, you might be
able to sniff some of the /request/ and then conditionally invoke Tomcat
(by using André's favorite "SetHandler jakarta-servlet" trick) but that
would be considered super-human efforts to do something that ought to be

- -chris
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