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On 5/28/2009 3:59 PM, George Sexton wrote:
> The issue is the default character set for Java. I've noticed that at
> least at one point in time, the default character set for Java running
> under windows was Windows-1252. Running under Linux it defaults to
> ISO-8859-1.

That's a bold statement.

$ uname -a
Linux chadis 2.6.14-gentoo-r5 #2 PREEMPT Sat Dec 17 16:30:55 EST 2005
i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1700+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux

$ java -version
java version "1.6.0_13"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_13-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 11.3-b02, mixed mode, sharing)

$ java -classpath .. Env | grep file\.encoding=

That's ASCII, baby!

> I'm sure the same issue is happening here. It's defaulting to
> Windows-1256 on Arabic windows, on another OS it's defaulting to
> ISO-8859-1 or perhaps ISO-8859-6.

As Len points out, file.encoding should have nothing to do with this
since the data source is a database. file.encoding is only used when
converting bytes to characters and no encoding has explicitly been
specified. The db driver should at least default to something (which
/may/ be file.encoding but should probably default to whatever the
database is actually using).

> I ran into these kind of issues when I called the various String to Byte
> Array functions, e.g. String.getBytes(). I was calling getBytes() and
> then using a hash function for the result and getting different results
> on different machines.

That's because calling String.getBytes() is a bad idea. You should be
using String.getBytes(String).

> In short, there's no simple answer. You have to figure out step by step
> where things are going wrong, and then address those issues.


> 1) Default Charset on each platform.

- -1

> 2) Charset the database is declared with
> 3) Charset of data coming in from db.


> 4) Charset of pages. Do the pages explicitly set the encoding to UTF-8?

+0 : UTF-8 isn't the only game in town, but it's the only one worth
playing :)

This application wouldn't work on any system unless the page encoding
had been explicitly set to something that contained Arabic characters,
since the default JSP encoding is ISO-8859-1 which clearly does not
contain such characters.

I would also check the system you're on /for the browser/. I had a
problem where one machine could properly render Chinese characters while
another one couldn't: the server was 100% correct but the client was
failing to display them properly. There's nothing the server can do
about that!

I would also check your database driver settings. If you use Tomcat to
set up your database connection pool (using a <Resource> element in
context.xml) then you may have different encodings set on different
servers. Make sure that they are all the same (and I would highly
recommend copying the one that /works/).

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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