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On 6/18/2009 10:57 AM, Susan G. Conger wrote:
> I actually was thinking about doing it that way.  But I was wondering about
> the overhead.  I wish I knew how they were serving up the .html files in the
> class package.

Just follow the code: you have everything you need to know right there
in your HTML files and your web.xml. What is the URL you use to retrieve
an HTML file from the server? What does the mapping in web.xml say will
handle that URL?

You only have two mappings: /servlet/* (calls invoker, which will
translate the URL into a package + class that will be invoked... note
that this is considered insecure and rarely used by competent webapp
designers these days) and /servletToJsp (God only knows what that one does).

If the URL doesn't match either of those patterns, then it's being
served by the DefaultServlet, which just served static pages and won't
allow you to serve content from META-INF/* or WEB-INF/*. So, either you
have a crazy URL to access those files (and can probably use another
crazy URL to access /your/ files), or you are confused about which
web.xml file applies to your webapp, or you're just totally lying.

I suspect the first or second possibilities are most likely.

- -chris
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