Thanks for a detailed response Chris!

I am quite new to tomcat...It would be really helpful if you could give some 
reference links to the things  you are talking about in 1 and 3 below?


From: Christopher Schultz <>
To: Tomcat Users List <>
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2009 10:49:06 AM
Subject: Re: splitting thread pool

Hash: SHA1


On 6/29/2009 1:12 AM, prashant sharma wrote:
> Is there any way to configure my web application such that I have a
> separate quota of threads for webpage access and a separate quota for
> other types of accesses like webservice requests?

The only way I know of to do this is with separate connectors: you would
configure them separately so that the "webapp" one (that is, the one
that handles traditional human clients reading web pages) is separate
from the "web service" one (that is, the one that services only web
service clients).

Two have two connectors, you either need a second port number to use
(not terribly convenient, since ports other than 80 and 443 are often
blocked by firewalls, etc.) or a second IP address to use (also not
terribly convenient since your web service calls need to be coded to hit
a different host).

Another option is to use a front-controller like Apache httpd to direct

1. Install httpd and configure it to work with your existing webapp,
configured to handle everything just as it works today. Use your choice
of mod_jk or mod_proxy_http/ajp. Make sure you have httpd configured to
accept enough requests for your expected (or observed) peak load.

2. Add a second <Connector> on a different port. Don't worry about
firewall issues as this port doesn't need to be available to the outside

3. Change your httpd proxy configuration (ProxyPass or JkMount) so that
the URIs for web services are directed to the /second/ connector you
created in #2 above.

This will allow httpd to act as a traffic cop to direct web service
requests to that second connector, which can (of course!) be configured
separately and/or differently than the one for "web" clients.

Hope that helps,
- -chris
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