Tomcat 6.0.18
Java 1.6.0_14
RedHat 5.2 Server
Oracle 10g

I've got an old web app that was originally spec'd in 1999.  Last year, I
it migrated from Tomcat 3.2.4 for 6.0.16 and more recently from Java 1.4.2
to 1.6.  I'm gradually trying to modernize it.  I just converted from using
an old database connection pool library from that period to using a
DataSource managed by Tomcat/DBCP (which was surprisingly easy).
Now I want to tackle container based security.

The app currently manages its own security.  It's all servlets which do a
little session magic on their own.  The login servlet hits the database
the user names and password are.  I want to start using JSP and/or maybe
JSF, which is part of the reason I want to go to container based security.

I'm thinking that the login.jsp can be set up with a bean to massage the
session so that old servlets will still be satisfied that the session is
Newer servlets can dispense with that security and older ones can have
it taken out gradually over time (over 200 of them).

While it's actually just one web app, conceptually, it's two.  There's one
which is an administrative side, and another for the general public.  Some
servlets are used by one side, other servlets are used by the other.  They
use the same database, and share a lot of the same objects and data, however
the user names and passwords are in different database tables.  Also, the
side can be used anonymously (no need to log in).  Login mainly gives the
side the ability to store preferences so that it doesn't need to be
and keep track of history.

I've been going over the realm documentation, and it's a little confusing.
I think that I'm actually going to need two realms, one for each side
(remember that they use different tables).  I'm not exactly sure how to
set that up.

I'd like to use a DataSourceRealm, using the DataSource I've already
set up, however I've also got the problem that the programmers who set this
up stored the passwords UNIX/Linux style with a Java implementation of
crypt(3), which doesn't seem to be one of the options for MessageDigest.
I hope I'm wrong about that.  Given how common it is in the UNIX/Linux
world, I'd think that would be a good one to have (and please don't tell me
that it's not that secure -- that's not the point -- this is a compatibility
Does this mean I'm going to need to write my own custom realm?  That
looks fairly confusing too.

Can someone please point me at a good overall strategy for how to tackle
all of this, given these constraints?  I've only spent a few hours trying to
go through the docs but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed and really need
some perspective.

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