Caldarale, Charles R wrote:
From: Peter J. Farrell []
Subject: request.getPathInfo() gets truncated when ";" is present

I'm trying to figure out a particular strange problem with
request.getPathInfo() data being truncated.

It's unfortunate that the mailing list doesn't have a filter that automatically 
bounces postings from people who can't be bothered to include the version of 
Tomcat they're using.

Adding insult to injury, in a matter of speaking, is the fact that the shown encoding scheme for URI's is, in my view, totally wrong.
& -> &  is a correct encoding for HTML and XML, but not for URI's.

And URI's containing "&" and ";" characters in the path are, at the very least, "cruising for a bruising" ?

In other words, Peter, I have the definite impression that this which you call "strange problem with request.getPathInfo() data being truncated" is in fact not a problem of Tomcat at all, it is a problem with your application logic.

You should re-read the following carefully :
and also section "2. URI Characters and Escape Sequences" of the RFC2396.

Both "&" and ";" are "reserved" characters, used as separators between elements. For instance, ";" separates "parameters" from other path components. I would not be surprised if you tried request.getParameters(), and you obtained some of the bits you say you're missing.

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