Hassan Schroeder <>
Tomcat Users List <>
08/03/2009 11:44 AM
Re: Trouble setting up virtual host

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 8:39 AM, Lisa D Beggs/AC/VCU<> 

> -->  If I remember correctly, the answer you gave me is not appropriate
> for my situation.  I can not rename my application directory folder with
> ROOT.  I must keep my application directory structure.

Why? Since you don't want that structure to be apparent?

In any case, I gave you two solutions; so if you truly can't or won't
use the second, use the first.

-->  Well you obviously chose not to read that I have gotten much further 
than the first time I posted on this forum and am well beyond the initial 
problem I was having.  It's really sad that I decided to come here to get 
the help of people who with more experience than myself and learn 
something instead I feel I have been more chastised because of my lack of 

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