
It was always intended, and finally fixed in 6.0.19 (see the changelog).  The 
impetus was
this bug report:
Thank you very much for the reference. To be helpful to other people who stumble upon this thread when searching for information on this problem, here I found an early comment made by Mark about this issue:

Sep 4, 2008: http://markmail.org/message/jhl4hvfdhrrgwjv6
Is there a different handling for packaged webapps (wars) vs. an exploded directory?
There is a slight one. For WARs with a context.xml, it will get copied to $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ if a <contextpath>.xml does not exist. context.xml files in an exploded directory do not get copied. This is an inconsistency that is on my list to fix as part of fixing https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=42747
Another related thread is this one: http://markmail.org/thread/ivrwdxm35cs3p3zs

Jul 20, 2009
What I want (as option): "I know that developer/packager did it right and I never want to have local configuration. Always use the *context.xml* within the currently deployed application, updated every time I redeploy the app."
In this thread, Rainer Frey asks for the same thing, although the difference is that back then it was about .war deployments and not about exploded deployments.

The copying change makes it possible to edit 
conf/Catalina/[host]/[appName].xml, regardless
of whether the origin was a .war or a directory.
Charles, I understand the benefits of this for a production environment, especially when there is a dedicated deployment team. But why not go for the following simpler procedure:

1. If there is a context descriptor in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/[webappname].xml use this. 2. Otherwise, use the context descriptor $CATALINA_BASE/webapps/[webappname]/META-INF/context.xml

If that would be all, wouldn't everybody be happy? System administrators can still override whatever is provided by the web application, but if nobody puts something in $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/[webappname].xml then the version of the web application is used and the developer can simply update things like datasources without having to change stuff inside a local Tomcat installation.

It seems to me that for development the latter situation is much more desirable. In our case (and I figure in a lot of other cases), the source code for a web application is under version control. This includes the META-INF directory and thus context.xml. If I check in a change to context.xml, for instance if I created an additional datasource for my code, then previously all developers would get this change if they update their workspace.

With the recent changes however, I'll have to mail each and every developer on our project to inform them they have to clear their $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ directory, or otherwise they will never get the change I just checked in. We have people working at several different locations and some of those include less technically inclined people who mainly work on texts. This kind of a procedure is quite painful for every team member, but is especially painful or perhaps even impossible for those less technically inclined members.

How do others cope with this? I guess the problem would be solved if all existing Tomcat server connectors for every IDE (we use MyEclipse), takes this necessary cleaning of $CATALINA_BASE/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ into account. On the other hand, if this cleaning is a requirement for development, then it's basically just a workaround for the fact that at least in development mode, Tomcat might be better off not doing this copying-once-and-holding-on-to-the-copy thing?

I might be missing something, so I would be grateful if someone can enlighten me. At the moment this required copying seems plain wrong to me on every possible level, but I fully understand that I might not be seeing the bigger picture yet. As I said, I understand the benefits of doing this, but I don't understand what's bad on (optionally) not doing this copying.

But what counts as an "undeploy" for a static deployment?
Using the manager to do a real undeploy; deletion of the expanded directory is 
only part of

Hmmmm, but if you absolutely need the manager to do a proper deploy and undeploy, doesn't that somehow imply that static deployment (just copying and removing from the webapps directory) has become more or less deprecated? I think most IDEs take advantage of the static deployment method, although some of them (like Eclipse/WTP) do indeed have knowledge of the conf/Catalina convention. Maybe it's thus only a MyEclipse problem.

Besides the <Context> element, there are also files under Tomcat's work 
that must be removed.
Well, in practice this doesn't seem to be necessary that often. We have several web applications with tons and tons of JSP files and have been developing for Tomcat for years, but only occasionally it was needed to clear this during development. Of course, for a production deployment we do always clear this directory (just to be sure ;)).

Thanks again for all help so far.


It's a cult. If you've coded for any length of time, you've run across someone 
from this warped brotherhood. Their creed: if you can write complicated code, 
you must be good.

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