Interesting situation I have going on here....

When running Tomcat 6.0.18 as the webserver I have 2 hosts configured one as
the .com and it is serving from the webapps folder just fine, the other is
serving to a subdomain perfectly.  I couldn't be happier in how it is

Here is where it get's tricky.  Since Tomcat is not the most efficient at
serving static HTML pages I decided to install httpd v 2.2.11 (w/ SSL) and
get it working this evening on my dedicated server.  I have Tomcat and Httpd
talking to each other because when I goto the main .com, I get the under
construction page that is hosted in htdocs/, when I goto (for example)
abcapps in tomcat, it forwards correctly and everything is fine.  All my
tomcat configuration gets forwarded correctly (time to convert the horrible
code to taglibs!!), When I go to my subdomain ( I get
the default under construction page (now hosted in the htdocs folder moved

Somewhere along the way did something get crossed and I am not sure what it
is, which is why I posted this to both user groups, so sorry if it annoys
some of you out there.

I'm rather quick to rule out my server.xml configuration due to it working
perfectly under tomcat alone.

Here's the snippet of my httpd.conf file that should matter :

LoadModule jk_module "C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software
JkWorkersFile "C:\Program
JkLogFile "C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.18\logs\from_httpd_mod_jk.log"
JkLogLevel debug
JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y]"

#Send servlet for context /examples to worker named ajp13

JkMount /* ajp13

#Send JSP's for context /examples/* to worker named ajp13

JkMount /*/* ajp13

Since I have virtual hosting on tomcat serving to a subdomain, do I have to
do anything with virtual hosting on httpd to forward subdomain to httpd?
Any insight would be very much appreciated.  If you need more information,
please let me know and I'll provide.

Warmest regards,


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