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On 8/13/2009 6:39 PM, André Warnier wrote:
> vik111 wrote:
>> Hi.  I am developing a website where on the homepage there will be 50+
>> images
>> displayed, hence performance of my app is imperative.  I have read about
>> browser caching and was wondering is there any configuration required to
>> enable this in tomcat 6?  Also part of my app is form authenticated and I
>> would like browser caching to be enabled for this also
> Hi.  It's too late for me to look it up precisely, but to save you a lot
> of looking around, as far as I remember all that stuff is enabled by
> default, as well in the browser as in Tomcat (at least for static
> content, like your images are if they are just files on the disk, served
> by Tomcat).


Your web browser should be pretty lazy about images, CSS files, etc. You
should use a protocol sniffer like LiveHttpHeaders or IEFiddler to watch
the requests being sent from your browser. Or, you could even enable the
AccessLogValve and see what the server is seeing.

My experience with Firefox 3.5 has been that it will only re-load images
and CSS files from the server if you actually press the RELOAD button
(instead of just going to the URL bar and entering the same URL again).

Web browsers ought to send HEAD requests for things it thinks are static
content. Or, requests sent with special headers that tell the server
what "version" of the file they already have, so the server can say "oh,
yeah: you've already got the latest version so I'm not going to bother
to send you what I've got".

> It's more work usually when you don't want caching to happen.


Tomcat's DefaultServlet handles all this stuff for you, so if you're
serving static content in the "normal" way (that is, just putting your
static content in your webapp's directory (or in a subdirectory(ies)
that isn't special like META-INF or WEB-INF) and allowing the
DefaultServlet to serve that content) then you shouldn't have to do
anything at all.

> Of course the browser is an element which you do not control.  The user
> does. If they decide to turn caching off, or set a low limit for their
> local cache space, you're doomed anyway.

Yes, but then that particular user ends up with a crappy experience on
your site. They kind of get what they deserve.

On the other hand, they are stealing bandwidth and server cycles from
other visitors. You might consider throttling requests from certain
remote users when the frequency of requests for large static files
increases beyond a certain threshold.

- -chris
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