
On 8/24/2009 10:36 AM, Malladi, Sasikanth wrote:
> I'm using "Core Servlets" by Marty Hall as a guide.

Which edition? It may be out of date.

> I've created a servlet, HelloServlet. Well, it just says "hello".

Can you post the code?

> I've compiled it and put the class file into 
> .../install_dir/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/.
> I've enabled the invoker servlet by uncommenting it in 
> .../install_dir/conf/web.xml.

This is fine for testing purposes, but you really should not use the
invoker servlet. Instead, it's easy to enable your servlet in your own
webapp's web.xml:



> I've enabled the servlet reloading in .../install_dir/conf/context.xml.

You should probably not be modifying CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml.
Instead, create a file in webapps/ROOT/META-INF/context.xml and put your
configuration there. Remember not to set the "docBase" or "path"
attributes in your <Context> element.

> However, I can't see the servlet in http://myhost:8008/servlet/HelloServlet.
> What am I missing?

I suspect you have a package/class name mismatch with your .class file
and the URL you're using to access the servlet. Disable the invoker
servlet, write a proper web.xml file, and post your code. That will help
a lot.

- -chris

Chris, I'm using an earlier version, but I'm also following to make note of updates.

However, I've updated the web.xml per your suggestion and it worked like a 

Thanks for your help,

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