Then there must be something messed up with my domain and what it is
pointing to.  It has a different IP address than my server.  I pointed the
IP address of the domain to the static IP address of my server that I am
already running and serving on Tomcat.

Realistically I should be seeing something then, I think I might have to
call the company I got the domain from to get it pointing to the right
server IP.

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 11:50 PM, Caldarale, Charles R <> wrote:

> > From: Josh Gooding []
> > Subject: Re: configuring multiple domain's and forwarding on Tomcat 6
> > questions.
> >
> > I have my Context config's in the META-INF folder of the first .com's
> > appBase directory.  It's under \appBase\META-INF.  Is this wrong?
> Probably.  In the above, is "appBase" an actual directory name, or is it
> referring to the value of the appBase attribute of the <Host> element?  I
> suspect it's the latter, in which case your structure should really be this:
> D:\JGSite\
>  ROOT\  (the default webapp for this <Host>)
>    (first-level .html files, such as index.html)
>    (other first-level resources)
>    WEB-INF\
>      web.xml  (containing servlet mappings for your webapp, etc.)
>      lib\  (containing webapp .jar files)
>      classes\  (containing webapp classes)
>    META-INF\
>      context.xml  (containing the <Context> element)
> You may deploy additional webapps for the <Host> at the same level as ROOT
> as either expanded directories or .war files.
> > This should be all I have to add correct?
> >     <Host name="" appBase="d:/JGSite"
> >                 unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
> >                 xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false" />
> You probably don't even have to add that.  If you have only one webapp for
> one domain, you can simply replace the default Tomcat ROOT webapp with your
> own.  If you don't want to disturb the webapps distributed with Tomcat, then
> an additional <Host> is one way to segregate your webapps from the standard
> ones.  For a production environment, you probably want to remove all of the
> Tomcat webapps other than manager.
>  - Chuck
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