François Gravel wrote:
I'm a newbie trying my hand at setting up a local PHP and Java development
environment.  I use a laptop with Windows XP SP3.

Both service are running fine locally, after install.  I will describe what
I did as I followed the procedure to have mod_jk handle the communication
between them (from  I got
the binary for Windows (

Then I created a file which I placed in a folder I
created at $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/jk; the file content is:

So far, so good.

I copied the file to $HTTPD_HOME/modules and
renamed it  It was suggested at this point to also modify
Apache's httpd.conf file.  I imagine that meant to add a line to have the
module loaded by Apache (I added "LoadModule mod_jk modules/").

That's wrong, and probably the cause of the following messages.
It should be :
LoadModule jk_module modules/

 Doing this, however, leads to an intriguing message if you try to test the
configuration: "Can't locate API module structure 'mod_jk' in file
$HTTPD_HOME/modules/ No error."  Is it an error or not, I'm not
sure, but since I'm not done with the procedure, I keep going.

Rectify the above, and then try again. There may be other problems, but solve that one first.

I then went through the steps to use Tomcat to auto-configure.

As far as I remember, that is not a very good idea either anymore. I think I remember Rainer admitting that the mod_jk auto-configuration was somewhat broken.

  So I've
added the line "Include $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/jk/mod_jk.conf-auto" to the
file $HTTPD_HOME/conf/httpd.conf.

I also added the listener by way of the line "<Listener
className="org.apache.jk.config.ApacheConfig" modJk="/path/to/" />"
in the file $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml.

Then I re-started Tomcat to generate mod_jk.conf-auto: it is of note to
specify that the name of the file is "mod_jk.conf" and not

Finally, I modified the Apache webserver configuration file
$HTTPD_HOME/conf/httpd.conf to include the simple configuration example.

The end result being a failure to start the Apache 2.2 server: testing the
configuration reveals the same error listed above: "Can't locate API module
structure 'mod_jk' in file $HTTPD_HOME/modules/ No error."

Please, I've spent hours getting to this point, but I have no idea how to
get around this error.  Thank you,

See above.

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