Josh Gooding wrote:

Andre, your talking about something like Active Directory for Windows
Domain's to use with say Communicator, Outlook, etc, across windows
environments with domain authentication?
Yes, although Windows domain authentication is not the only game in town.

I understand what the Tomcat's and
most org's SSO means, but I am trying to translate into something that I can
talk about and not have a huge amount of keystrokes in typing.

And I suggest that you to think this through from the beginning, and not rush into a Tomcat-only authentication, if your users for instance are going to get weary very quickly to have to login (again!) each time they want to access this application on this host. The other snag is if in order to do your type of authentication you need to have your own store of user-id's and passwords. User-id's are usually OK (they can be the same as the user's usual login), but to get a network admin to give you the users passwords, so that you can store them in your own Tomcat-only store, is going to be more tricky.
(Users do not, as a rule, like to have to remember several passwords).

There are basically two types of authentication usable in Tomcat : the container-based authentication of which mainly question so far, and the "servlet filter" based authentication mechanisms. These consist of wrapping all your to-be-protected webapps in a servlet filter, which authenticates each request before it even gets to your webapp. Servlet filters are defined at the Servlet Spec level, so are portable. To the webapp, it is transparent. It just finds an authenticated user whenever it runs. The filter itself determines what kind of authentication happens, using which back-end etc..
Here are two examples :
Reading their docs should give you some material to think about.

There exists a 3rd way : if you have a webserver in front of Tomcat (IIS or Apache), they can do the user authentication, and via mod_jk (*) pass an authenticated user-id to Tomcat (roles is another story).

(* : plus, for Apache only, mod_proxy_ajp)

In any case, I don't really think that you will need to create new code. There are enough ready-to-use solutions floating around that this should be unnecessary. And, as some people already indirectly pointed out, coding AAA and doing it right can be very tricky.

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