Am Mon, 12 Oct 2009 18:57:43 +0200
schrieb Jesse Long <>:

> Thanks for your answers Tobias. Unfortunately we have a very real use 
> case for multiple instances on one host, with different data paths.
> So, /etc/ is not usable, but /etc/app-<context path
> derived 
> data>.properties might be but virtual hosting would break. No way
> data>to   
> identify unique host consistently.

It depends on how you implement virtual hosting. 

I have no experience with Tomcats virtual hosting but a
Tomcat-application can always can request the hostname from the URI and
use it to build a path name. We are using this hostname to give users
via VPN other privileges than users via public internet. Not really
secure but within our business it's enough.

We're using Apache2-vhosts and run one Tomcat (in its own JVM) per
vhost. This wastes RAM but avoids that a
crash|deadlock|overload|whatever in one vhost affects the other vhosts
In our scenario we have one "home"-directory per vhost
(e.g. /srv/vhost1) where we install Tomcat (mostly by symbolic links to
unpacked Tomcats-archives) incl. startup/shutdown-scripts, cronjobs,
logs, Apache2-document-root, Tomcat-ROOT and persistent data for
import/export. Tomcat's webapps-concept is only used to deploy some
standard applications like Lambda probe, Webservice or j4p.
This "vhost-home" also contains some *.properties-files with
parameters, e.g. for database-access (we don't use JNDI due to historic
reasons), paths for import/export, etc.

If your using only one Tomcat with several name-based vhosts it
probably will be enough if you read hostname from URI and use this
information to construct the path to a tree
with /srv/vhost1, /srv/vhost2, etc. as data directories.


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